This data protection policy includes useful information about how and why the Leadership Programme processes personal data. The data protection policy is based on the General Data Protection Regulation (EL) 2016/679.

The data protection policy regulates the processing of personal data and the use of cookies on the website of the University of Tartu Leadership Programme (‘Leadership Programme’) The Leadership Programme is an environment for the voluntary recording of and reflecting on extracurricular activities.

  • The processing of personal data means all activities with the personal data of a website user – the collection, storage, modification and deletion of data.
  • The user is a natural person (e.g. student, employee) who visits the website and uses the services of the Leadership Programme.
  • Services are all services offered on the platform of the Leadership Programme, incl. joining the programme, adding activities, adding evidence, etc.

The data submitted in the Leadership Programme are processed based on the student’s consent. The Leadership Programme processes the following data:

  • name and surname;
  • email address;
  • field of studies.

The user does not need to provide any additional information to join the environment. Any other information (e.g. a photo) in the user profile is optional and can be added by the user if desired.

The Leadership Programme uses third-party services to analyse website usage statistics.


The Leadership Programme processes the student’s data until the student’s exmatriculation. The coordinator of the Leadership Programme removes exmatriculated students from the database upon their exmatriculation. Any further processing of data, if needed, takes place only based on the student’s consent.

Security is ensured by logging in to the Leadership Programme with the University of Tartu username and password. The student can participate in the Leadership Programme until the end of studies or, if the student does not fill the table of activities during one year, for up to one year.


At any time, users have the right to request that

  • their personal data is modified, supplemented or deleted;
  • the processing of their personal data is restricted.

To use these rights, the user must send a corresponding request by email to

If the user believes that their rights in the processing of personal data have been violated, the user has the right to contact the Data Protection Inspectorate.


The website of the Leadership Programme uses two types of cookies to ensure a better user experience:

  • Persistent cookies remain in the cookie file on the user’s computer. They may be used, for example, to detect the user as a returning visitor and adapt the content of the website to the user’s needs or to collect statistical data;
  • Session cookies are temporary and disappear when the user leaves the website or closes their browser. Session cookies may be used to enable certain features of a website, such as requesting a service or product, etc.

Cookies are used to collect information about how the website is used to make it more personal and convenient for users. In addition, cookies help us collect user statistics that allow the university to measure and improve the website’s performance and provide data for effective marketing activities.

A user is deemed to have accepted cookies if cookies are enabled in their browser settings. Web browsers often allow cookies to be stored on the user’s device by default. Users may disable or delete cookies on their device by changing their browser settings. If cookies are disabled, the website may not function properly.


The Leadership Programme retains the right to unilaterally amend this data protection policy. The updated version of the data protection policy is always accessible on the website.

The university’s data protection policy can be found HERE.


To use the contents of this website in any form (including in part), each copy must be accompanied by a link to this website.